Guide to Solar Roofs

Learn how to design, use and develop the eTile solar roof system

Use and service

Użytkowanie i serwis

A solar roof is an advanced system that will serve you for decades. Although it is designed as a maintenance-free solution, it is useful to know how to care for it and how to react in different situations. In this guide, I will cover the most important aspects of daily use and servicing of your solar roof.
Use and service

Daily operation of a solar roof tiles

Have you installed a solar roof and are wondering what you can expect in everyday use? Or are you just considering such an investment and want to know what life is like with a solar roof? In this guide you will find all the most important information about the daily operation of the eTile solar roof.
Use and service

Monitoring of energy production

Zakładając dach solarny eTile, stawiasz pierwszy krok w stronę energetycznej niezależności. Ale jak właściwie sprawdzić, czy Twój dach pracuje wydajnie? Jak upewnić się, że generujesz tyle energii, ile powinieneś? Przyjrzyjmy się bliżej systemowi monitoringu produkcji energii - Twojemu najlepszemu sprzymierzeńcowi w zarządzaniu domową elektrownią.
Use and service

Maintenance and inspections

Imagine that you have just invested in a modern eTile solar roof. It's like buying an advanced car — while it's reliable and designed to last for years, regular maintenance will help you maintain its peak performance and extend its life. In this guide, I'll show you how to take care of your solar roof to generate energy for decades.
Use and service

Energy billing - how does it work?

Wondering how solar roof energy billing actually works? This is a completely natural question - after all, you are investing in a system that is supposed to bring you concrete savings. Let's take a look at how the accounting of produced energy looks in practice in the current net billing system.